Pet Cremation Services

We offer two levels of pet aftercare and several packages include one with a tree urn for your dog, cat, or cherished animal.

Communal Ashes Pet AfterCare

We pick up your pet from your home or a location you specify at this service level. Your pet’s remains are placed gently in a fabric container and we take them to our pet aftercare facility. They are cremated in a communal setting with other animals and their ashes are later placed in a regional pet cemetery.

Private Pet Cremation

Your pet is cremated by themselves and their ashes are collected and returned to you in an urn (choose from four styles including a metal urn, ceramic urn, wood urn or a scattering tube). We also offer this service that includes a Bios Pet Urn which is akit and degradable urn that allows you to grow your pet’s ashes into a tree.

Private Cremation with Bios Pet Urn

Our premium memorial package includes private cremation, an urn,as well as a Bios Pet Urn that provides a way to place your ashes in a biodegradable urn that is designed to grow a tree from them as a living memorial to your beloved pet.

Pet Aftercare Packages

PackagesService PriceUrn or Scattering Tube
(4 styles)
Bios Pet Urn Kit
(Grow ashes into a tree)
Total Package
Communal Cremation Package$249N/A as ashes are not returnedN/A$249
Private Cremation Package$545IncludedN/A$545
Private Cremation Plus Bios Pet Urn Package$545Included$104$649


Call us at 647-697-9845 or email us at [email protected]

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